A place to support

local groups doing good work.

Organizational Merchandise, Local art and goods, Resources and Goods


Artist Spotlight

Big boi from Downtown

Big boi is a Winnipeg based artist who primarily works sculpturally by transforming donated placenta into balloon arches that are advertised to gallery attendees through exaggerated pseudoscientific videos by a salesman named Ray Turnbuckle.

Finding his largely absurdist mode of creation to lack the fulfillment required to combat existential dread, Big boi has undertaken the pseudonym Larry boi to create works commenting on the absence of public washrooms in Canadian cities.

Larry boi uses these pieces of graphic commentary printed on toilet paper by placing them in public spaces and washrooms and allowing the weather to disintegrate the image and canvas as a statement on transience and the nature of desire…for bathrooms.

See more about Big Larry boi here <hyperlink>

Are you an artist interested in supporting these groups?

What is Thoroughfare?

ThoroughFare is an online store raising funds for local groups through the sale of merchandise and artwork.

How many organizations?

This store currently operates in support of 2 local organizations and we’re interested in growth within our ability to deliver this service.

Is there a section for local art?

You can view a selection of local art in the store. The stock and availability will be changing over time but if it is listed then it is available.

Are there any free resources?

Yes, each group involved has a selection of free resources available. We would encourage you to explore each of their web pages as they have lots of good information and resources there as well.

Can I donate my work to Thoroughfare?

Artists and makers who might be interested in donating items for sale can contact us directly at support@thoroughfare.store or by filling out a contact card.

How do I get my order?

Orders will be compiled and filled weekly. There is an option to pay a shipping fee or we will be organizing an in person collection day at a central location for those in Winnipeg.

Thoroughfare is a platform for ordering merchandise and is not funded for full time support. Orders are collected and processed once a week and product shipping or pickup location/time will be arranged every 2 weeks. If a product is out of stock it will be replenished shortly if possible so please check back or contact us for a reminder that a product is back in stock! This is a grassroots fundraising effort so we do our best to be responsive but please be patient as it could take a few days to get back to you. Thank you for your support.